Adam Farrell
Partner - Employers’ Liability

More about Adam Farrell
Adam Farrell is a Partner in the Employers Liability claims department at Express Solicitors, having joined the firm in May 2019.
Adam is very committed to his role. In his view “The ultimate aim is to be successful to help my clients return to normality, as best they can.”
For the last 12 years or so Adam has undertaken most types of injury work. In recent years he has specialised in medical negligence and industrial disease/accident claims.
“My technical and tactical knowledge and general attention to detail have ensured that my success rate has remained high throughout my career”.
Adam was the winner of the Rising Star award at a legal awards ceremony in London in 2017.
Adam has settled various complex and high value matters, including but not limited to traumatic and acquired brain damage, blindness following ophthalmic injury, burst spinal fracture, lung cancer, asbestosis and pleural thickening claims, hand arm vibration syndrome and other musculoskeletal upper limb injuries and a number of fatal accident claims, including metastatic lung disease following delayed referral for excision of malignant soft tissue sarcoma and subdural haematoma following a fall in hospital, settling from £60,000.00 to £315,000.00