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Category: Thought leadership

Our experienced legal team offer their thoughts on the latest legal news.

Cycling Accident Claims: Your Essential Guide

Cycling is an excellent way to stay active and commute sustainably, but accidents can happen. Michael Green, a keen cyclist and Express solicitor, sets out the steps you should take to prevent accidents, explains what to do if you are involved in a crash and answers common questions frequently asked by cyclists when making a […]

Laying new foundations for housing disrepair cases

Colin Wilkinson, Trainee Solicitor, Consumer Claims Litigation, has written a feature for Solicitors Journal discussing the housing disrepair case that could pave the way for significantly increased damages for tenants who live in a house unfit for habitation. Read more: Solicitors Journal (July 25, 2024) Laying new foundations for housing disrepair cases

E-scooters and the law

Adele Greenough, Partner – Client Care and Road Traffic Accidents, has spoken with Legal Futures about the laws for using e-scooters and what that means for anyone injured because of them. In the article, she breaks down the growing safety concerns and what needs to be done to reduce collisions involving e-scooters. Read more: Legal […]

Training the next generation lawyer

Drawing on my own experience, particularly in developing trainees, I hope this short article will offer guidance to fellow training professionals on how contemporary law firms can adapt and ultimately thrive in this new environment. A new work culture The most significant change over the past decade has been the shift in working culture. Traditionally, […]