We are now placed at number 80 in the 2023 Lawyer Top 200 UK Law Firms ranking, an impressive 13 places up from 93 in 2022.
James Maxey, Chief Executive Officer of Express Solicitors, said: “Following on from us breaking into the Top 100 last year we’ve had another great year.
“The acquisition of Michael W Halsall Solicitors in October last year has been a big factor in our success and another development is the purchase and refurbishment of premises in Sharston, South Manchester which will allow us to keep growing.
“It’s also exciting that we have more growth locked in with the recent acquisitions of Amelans and Jefferies Solicitors. The opportunities before us are looking very good indeed.
“This continued improvement is down to all our dedicated staff across the firm, from the new client team to our fantastic lawyers as well as all our non-lawyer staff, putting in all the hard work.”
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