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Flight accident compensation claims

If you or a loved one has been injured on an aeroplane flight, then you may be entitled to flight accident compensation.

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Key points for making an injury claim

The most important thing to remember when making a claim for an injury on a plane is

  • You typically have two years to make a claim.
  • You can claim for injuries on the plane or while getting on and off.
  • We will claim against the airline’s insurance, even if you were injured by another passenger.

What is a flight accident claim?

You can make a claim for compensation if you were injured during a flight, or while getting on or off the plane. These types of claims can be complicated so it’s best to use a law firm with a good track record of recovering injury compensation from airlines.

Whether you’ve tripped or slipped, been hit by luggage from overhead storage, assaulted by another passenger, or suffered any other type of injury, we can tell you for free if you have a valid claim for compensation.

How to claim for an injury on a plane

Claiming compensation if you’ve been injured on an airplane or while embarking or disembarking is a simple process with Express Solicitors, as we’re leading plane accident personal injury specialists.

We’ve made claiming quick and easy so all you need to do is call our friendly new client team and they’ll let you know if you have a valid claim and talk you through the process. You could be on your way to recovering compensation within just a few minutes.

The legal process is all handled by our no win no fee solicitors, and they’ll guide you through each step of the claim. You’ll have unlimited legal advice on your case – you can check in with us as often as you like!

Get the best legal team on your side

  • Over 1,000 years of combined legal expertise
  • We’ll get you more compensation than anyone else
  • Early payments to cover your expenses*
  • We win the cases other firms can’t
  • Fully independent, and fully regulated.

* Where applicable

How much compensation for an injury on a plane?

Compensation for people injured on a plane can range from £1,500-£2,000 all the way up to over £100,000 depending on the nature of the injuries and the impact on the injured person’s life.

The amount of flight accident compensation you may be entitled to depend on the severity and extent of your injury, as well as any additional medical costs or loss of wages incurred. Flight accident victims are eligible to receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other out-of-pocket costs.

If your flight accident led to long-term disability or an inability to work, then you may be able to claim flight accident compensation for future wage losses.

The more severe the injury and the greater number of out-of-pocket expenses incurred due to the flight accident; the higher amount of total compensation will likely be awarded. Try our compensation calculator to find out how much you may be able to claim.

Typical compensation amounts for injuries on a plane.

Compensation reasonPay-out amount (Typical)
Amputation of Index and Middle and/or Ring Fingers£58,100 to £85,170
Loss of index finger injuryAmounts up to £17,590
Severe fracture – Finger injuryUp to £34,480
Amputation – Foot injury£78,800 to £189,110
Very severe Foot injury£78,800 to £102,890
Serious Foot injury£23,460 to £65,710
Moderate Foot injury£12,900 to £23,460
Minor Foot injuryAmounts up to £12,900
Full amputation of the toe£29,380 to £52,620
Moderate injuries to the toeUp to £9,010
Severe injury/ to the toe£9,010 to £12,900

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How long after an airplane injury can I claim?

In the UK, flight accident claims must be filed within two years of the incident, although laws regarding flight injury compensation may vary from country to country. Generally speaking, flight accident compensation claims should be made as soon as possible in order to preserve the injured passenger’s rights and make sure that the case has the best chance of success.

Common causes of flight accident injuries

An accident can be deemed anything that is not part of the expected usual operation of an aircraft. There are several different ways in which an accident can happen that may result in flight accident claims, whether through:

  • Technical issues with the aircraft’s operating systems
  • Damage that has not been spotted or rectified
  • Slip, trip, fall hazards
  • Issues with scalds and burns from food and drink
  • Luggage not properly secured
  • Seating injuries
  • Sudden unexpected turbulence
  • Assault by another passenger

Common types of injuries on a flight can vary greatly depending on the circumstances and environment. Some of the most common flight injuries include slips, trips, falls and collisions inside or outside the aircraft. Slips and trips can happen due to unsupervised food or drink spills inside the cabin, while falls may occur due to turbulence or an abrupt change in altitude during flight. Collisions are more likely to take place when disembarking from the flight or during boarding activities, as passengers rush down narrow aisles while stowing away their luggage.

Head injuries are also quite frequent, particularly as a result of overhead luggage falling out of storage bins.

Injury caused by defective aircraft equipment is another common flight-related hazard that can cause serious injury if not properly addressed. Faulty seating mechanisms, malfunctioning overhead bins and loose seatbelts are all potential causes of injury on flights.

Recent successful cases:

£20,000 recovered after luggage fell on the passenger’s head.

A passenger who was struck by luggage falling from an overhead locker during a flight managed to recover £20,000 for their injuries and financial losses.

Child burnt aboard flight awarded £7,500.

The Claimant was scalded by a hot drink which fell into his lap whilst sitting aboard a flight

£7,500 successfully claimed by aircraft passenger in runway crash.

The claimant was injured whilst aboard a coach from the terminal to the aircraft whilst in the process of embarking.

Passenger agrees on compensation of £10,000 following assault.

This passenger was assaulted by a fellow passenger whilst in the process of disembarking his flight. He successfully pursued the aircraft company for his compensation.

What do I need to make a claim for an injury on a plane?

When filing flight accident claims, it is important to remember that each flight is different and the process for obtaining flight accident compensation can vary depending on the circumstances of the flight. To make a claim for flight accident compensation following an aeroplane injury, there are several steps that must be taken:

First, injured passengers should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Not only is this important for their health and well-being, but it can also help provide strong evidence when filing flight accident claims. Documenting injuries with medical records, photos of injuries, and testimony from witnesses at the scene can all strengthen a flight accident claim and help secure flight accident compensation.

In addition to gathering evidence and seeking medical aid, it’s important to notify staff of the airline so the accident can be recorded – this will help your case, but it’s still possible to make a claim if you didn’t record the accident with the airline.

Next, contact us and we’ll listen to all the details of the incident and let you know if you have a valid claim for compensation. At this point, we’ll begin the legal process of filing the flight accident claim by submitting paperwork detailing your cases, such as medical records, witness testimony, and other documentation related to your injury.

We’ll deal with the airline and its legal team on your behalf and secure the maximum possible compensation for you.

We understand the financial impact of an accident.

In 99% of cases, we recovered more compensation than the insurer’s first offer. We’ll provide financial security with our interim payments wherever possible, meaning you don’t need to rush into an offer that is lower than you’re legally entitled to.

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Why use Express Solicitors for a personal injury claim

Express Solicitors has helped countless injured people claim compensation for their injuries, and we can make the process much simpler. With over 20 years of experience in personal injury claims, we are experts in flight accident claims and have a proven track record of success.

Our team of highly qualified solicitors will assess your flight accident claim to determine whether you have a valid case and advise on the best course of action to take. We will also provide ongoing support throughout the flight accident claims process.

From negotiating with airlines, securing medical evidence, or attending court proceedings, if necessary, we will handle every aspect of your flight accident claim from start to finish and do everything in our power to make sure you receive justice as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We also offer a ‘no win no fee policy which means that if you don’t win your case then you won’t have to pay any legal fees. This makes claiming flight accident compensation easier than ever before with Express Solicitors.

We are one of the most trusted law firms in the UK when it comes to flight accident claims and can help injured passengers receive fair recompense for their losses following an aeroplane injury.

With extensive experience in personal injury claims and a dedicated team of solicitors ready to fight for justice on behalf of injured passengers, using Express Solicitors is the perfect way for individuals who were injured while travelling by air to get back what is rightfully theirs.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Montreal Convention?

The Montreal Convention is an international agreement between countries that offers flight accident compensation to individuals injured while travelling by air. This agreement was established in 1999 and serves as a global legal framework for flight accident compensation claims.Under the Montreal Convention, flight attendants and other personnel employed by the aircraft should provide passengers with a certain level of care during their flight. This includes ensuring that all safety protocols are followed, such as alerting passengers when necessary, about any hazardous conditions on board or advising passengers to seek assistance with overhead luggage compartments being opened and closed during a flight.In the event you are able to prove you have suffered an injury as a result of an unusual or unexpected event, the Montreal Convention states that flight operators must compensate you for the injuries you can prove the accident caused and that is supported by medical evidence.However, flight operators may reduce or deny flight accident compensation if the damage or injury was caused as a result of a usual or expected event or perhaps if it was caused by you.

What do I need to prove for a plane accident compensation claim?

When filing a flight accident compensation claim, claimants must be able to demonstrate that they have suffered physical harm while travelling by air. This means possibly providing medical records and other supporting documents which clearly show the victim’s medical condition both before and after the incident occurred.Flight operators may also require additional evidence such as flight manifests, ticket stubs, boarding passes or other relevant documentation in order to process flight accident compensation claims.In addition to proving physical harm, claimants must also provide evidence of financial losses incurred due to medical bills and other related expenses resulting from their injuries before flight accident compensation may be granted. This could include receipts for hospital treatments, doctor's visits, specialist examinations or any other costs associated with the injury sustained on the flight.

How long does a flight accident compensation claim take?

On average most flight accident compensation claims should take no longer than 7-12 months from submission date until resolution of payment provided all necessary evidence has been supplied in a timely manner and applicable regulations are followed closely throughout proceedings.The length of time it takes for flight accident compensation claims to be processed and resolved can vary greatly depending on certain factors including whether the airline admits liability and if they want to defend the case in court.Airlines may also take longer to decide to settle flight accident compensation claims if they believe that more information or evidence is required in order to assess the case correctly.

Can I claim that I slipped when disembarking a plane?

Slipping while disembarking a flight can indeed be grounds for a flight accident compensation claim depending on various factors such as the known weather conditions, local laws, and the severity and type of the injury.Slips and trips while getting on and off the plane are a common cause of injury and the airline is responsible for anyone injured during embarkation or disembarkation if it was because it was an unusual or unexpected event

I had an accident boarding an aircraft - can I make a claim?

Yes, you may be able to make a flight accident compensation claim depending on the details of your incident. You will need to provide evidence and information such as flight tickets, medical reports or witness statements in order for an airline to assess your case before they can decide whether or not flight injury or delay compensation should be made available.

Can I make a claim if another airline passenger assaulted me?

Yes, if you suffered an injury caused by another airline passenger while you were on the plane, or in the process of embarking or disembarking, you could claim compensation from the airline.Unlike assault claims that happen in public places and are dealt with under the CICA, assaults on a plane or while getting on or off the aircraft are covered by the Montreal Convention. This means the airline is responsible for paying your compensation.

Why Express Solicitors is the best personal injury law firm.

Express Solicitors is one of the leading and most experienced personal injury law firms specialising in flight accident claims. Our team of flight injury and delay compensation specialists are committed to helping you receive the flight accident compensation that you deserve, which is why we offer a ‘no-win no fee service when it comes to flight accident claims.We are the fastest growing personal injury specialist firm in the country and one of the top 100 of all types of firms. As multiple award-winning solicitors, our commitment to recovering more compensation for injured people than other firms is one of the main reasons clients choose our services.

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